Thanks to the audience and the wonderful folks at Armando's music club in Martinez, Calif., for the great gig — the best of my life! The top-quality sound man and sound system helped all of us soar. It was great to test the improved vocal chops I'd been working toward for the past year and to discover that they really were accessible on the night of the gig. That meant more tones, resonance, range, dramatic capability, musical flexibility, and joy. And Armando's is a fun, authentic, welcoming, relaxed place to play.
The band killed. Bryan Bowman on drums, Jeremy Cohen on electric bass, and keyboardist Ben Flint at the top of his form, plus chiming in on vocals! Someone in the audience also commented on our "witty banter."
I was glad to hear that performing with a couple of instrumental versions of tracks from my new CD (along with Jeremy, in one case) worked well — and was even the favorite of some folks in the house!
And we're ready to do it all again (except differently, as ever) at Anna's Jazz Island in downtown Berkeley, Calif., on Friday, November 6, 2009. Mark your calendars!