Tuesday, November 26, 2013

New Music Video: "Joe Williams Died Walking/Every Day I Have the Blues"

This new video begins with a spoken poem based on the true story of how the great jazz and blues singer Joe Williams passed from this life  in a way that embodied the joy and strength that can be heard in his renditions of his signature tune, "Every Day I Have the Blues." It then segues into my own version of that memorable song. 

The final frames of the video show a note from Joe Williams' widow Jillean Williams (who requested a copy of the CD after hearing about the song). In the note she writes, "...you've obviously been listening! It is wonderful that you felt moved to write such a tribute, and I know Joe would have been most impressed with your talents."

Please support indie music and this song by purchasing it from my "Center of the Rhyme" record at www.iTunes.com/lisab (or song link https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/joe...)
CDBaby (http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/lisab), 
Amazon (http://www.amazon.com/Center-Rhyme-Li...). 

Personnel on this recording: 
Lisa B (Lisa Bernstein) - vocals
Frank Martin - keyboard
Mimi Fox - guitar
Bill Douglass - bass
Paul van Wageningen - drums
Jim Gardiner - producer and engineer, Pajama Studios
George Horn - mastering, Fantasy Studios

Please comment, whatever your response, and please share! 


  1. So lovely! I'm a great fan of Joe Williams' music, and this is quite a tribute. Thank you for sharing it on YouTube, where I found it.

    1. Thank you so much, Claire Middleton! I appreciate your taking the time to comment.


Thanks for adding your voice!