Saturday, May 25, 2024

"God in Her Ruffled Dress" Fall 2023 Book Launch Highlights - Two Videos

I made a couple of videos highlighting the launch and tour I did in Fall 2023 for my new poetry book, God in Her Ruffled Dress (What Books Press). 
The book appeared on many publishing platforms in late October 2023, with full publication in December 2023.

The first video recaps the tour to the accompaniment of some of my original tune "Lisa's Lord's Prayers," the poem for which is in the book. The second vid is a short using part of a remixed tune by DJ Davion.

I read/sang at:

- Village Well Books & Coffee, Culver City, Calif., with other authors with fall releases from What Books Press and their affiliated publisher Giant Claw, Michael Ventura, Maria Perez-Talavera, Celeste Goyer, Bryan Price, and Sarah Maclay;

- Books & Books, Coral Gables, Florida, with Caridad Moro-Gronier;

- Poetry Flash at the Art House Gallery & Cultural Center, Berkeley, Calif., with Dick Cluster;

- The Livermore Jazz Society, Livermore, Calif., with my fabulous band Ben Flint, piano, Fred Randolph, bass, and Julian Hogan, drums;

- Bird & Beckett, San Francisco, with Thoreau Lovell;

- And the second What Books/Giant Claw fall launch reading, Beyond Baroque, Venice, Calif., with Sarah Maclay, Michael Ventura, Celeste Goyer, and Bryan Price.

Lots of fun to get out there and share this material after so much careful seclusion during the first stage of the COVID pandemic! More since (the LA Times Festival of Books) and more to come (Santa Cruz, Calif. and NYC in August, yay!). 

See my website for links to purchase the book.

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Thanks for adding your voice!